Found 10 abbreviations in 1 groups
UCI: Meaning Category
UCI Unit Compliance Inspection Airforce
UCI User- Computer Interface computing abbreviations and acronyms
UCI Updated Coordinating Instructions Military abbreviations
UCI Universal Chess Interface software abbreviations and acronyms
UCI User Command Interface software abbreviations and acronyms
UCI Union Cycliste International sports abbreviations
UCI United Cycling Institute sports abbreviations
UCI University of California, Irvine University abbreviations
UCI Union Cycliste Internationale (French, "International Cycling Union") Acronym
UCI University of California, Irvine Acronym

Abbreviations similar to uci

  • UCS - Universal Character Set
  • USA - United States of America
  • UC - Urgi Center
  • USCG - United States Coast Guard
  • UAS - Unmanned Aircraft System
  • UAC - United Africa Company
  • UG - University of Ghana
  • UGCC - United Gold Coast Convention Party
  • UÇK - initialism for two Albanian guerilla movements
  • UGA - Uganda (ISO 3166 trigram)
  • UGX - Ugandan shilling (ISO 4217 currency code)
  • UIC - University of Illinois at Chicago
  • uig - Uyghur language (ISO 639-2 code)
  • UIUC - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  • uk - Ukrainian language (ISO 639-1 code)