Found 20 abbreviations in 2 groups
ug: Meaning Category
ug Uyghur language (ISO 639-1 code) Acronym
UG: Meaning Category
UG University of Ghana ghana
UG Uganda (ISO 3166 and FIPS 10-4 country code digram) Acronym
UG (celestial object) U Geminorum, a class of cataclysmic variable stars (also known as dwarf novae) that are named after U Geminorum, the archetype for the class astronomy
UG Undisturbed Gas Chemistry abbreviations
UG Upper Ground Community abbreviations
UG Unified Grading Educational abbreviations
UG User Group computing abbreviations and acronyms
UG User's Guide computing abbreviations and acronyms
UG Users Group computing abbreviations and acronyms
UG Un-named General Military abbreviations
UG Under Grade Military abbreviations
UG Under Ground Military abbreviations
UG Unit Generator Military abbreviations
UG Universal Grammar software abbreviations and acronyms
UG User Goal software abbreviations and acronyms
UG Ultimate Gamer sports abbreviations
UG Under Games sports abbreviations
UG Undergraduate University abbreviations
UG University of Gdansk University abbreviations
UG Upper Grade University abbreviations

Abbreviations similar to ug

  • UCS - Universal Character Set
  • USA - United States of America
  • UC - Urgi Center
  • USCG - United States Coast Guard
  • UAS - Unmanned Aircraft System
  • UCI - Unit Compliance Inspection
  • UAC - United Africa Company
  • UGCC - United Gold Coast Convention Party
  • UÇK - initialism for two Albanian guerilla movements
  • UGA - Uganda (ISO 3166 trigram)
  • UGX - Ugandan shilling (ISO 4217 currency code)
  • UIC - University of Illinois at Chicago
  • uig - Uyghur language (ISO 639-2 code)
  • UIUC - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  • uk - Ukrainian language (ISO 639-1 code)
  • US - United States (also ISO 3166 and FIPS 10-4 country code digram)
  • USGS - United States Geological Survey