9333 abbreviations
Abbreviation Meaning
YBB Youth Baseball Bat
YBC Your Bowling Coach
YBC Youth Bowling Congress
YBL Yawkey Baseball League
YBO Young Bucks Outdoors
YBO Youth Basketball Organization
YBR Your Baltimore Ravens
YBW Yachting and Boating World
YC Yellow Card
YCA Yachting Club of America
YCA Yealm Cruising Association
YCL Yacht Council Limited
YCL Youth Cycling League
YCR Yacht Crew Register
YCT Yacht Crew Training
YCW Youth Championship Wrestling
YD Yorkshire Divers
YD Young Divers
YDS Yards gained
YES Your Enjoyment Of Skiing
YES Youth Educational Sports
YES Youth Extreme Sports
YET You're Eligible Too
YFF Youth Football Fund
YFL Yosemite Forensic League
YGC Yreka Gun Club
YGL York County Girls Lacrosse
YGP Younger Generation Player
YH Yankee Hater
YH Yay Hooray!
YH Youth Horsemanship
YHL Youth Hockey League
YIL Years In League
YIY Yoga is Youthfulness
YJ Yellow Jersey
YJ Yellowjackets
YJC Young Jumper Championships
YKP Yorkshire Puddings Cricket team
YKS Yoga Kingdom Sanctuary
YLC Yonder Lions Club sporting club
YLT Yo La Tengo (baseball: I have it)
YMAA Yang's Martial Arts Association
YMS Yardley Makefield Soccer
YMSA Yardley Makefield Soccer Association
YMTP Young Milford Tennis Phenomenon
YNS York Nomad Society
YNT Youth National Team
YNWA You'll Never Walk Alone
YNZ Yachting New Zealand
YO Youth Outing