5814 abbreviations
Abbreviation Meaning
WUC Worldwide Users Council
WUE Wake- Up mode, Embedded
WUF Wapenings UItwisselingsformaat beheer
WUGNET Windows Users Group NETwork
WUM Wiener UmweltMeile
WUN Worldwide Users Network
WUS Word Underscore
WUSS Western Users of SAS Software
WUU WebCT Unique User
WUU Wisconsin Unigraphics Users
WUUA Wisconsin Unigraphics Users Association
WUUG Windsor Unix Users Group
WUUI WebCT Unique User Identification
WUX Unix Tools under Windows
WUZC Weighted Universal Zerotree Code
WVC Windows Virtual Class
WVCL Windows Virtual Class Library
WVGA Wide Video Graphic Array
WWA Wireless Web Application
WWAP Wireless Web Application Platform
WWIS WIPP Waste Information System
WWST World Wide Swat Team
WWUG WorldWide Users Group
WWUG Worldwide WebSphere User Group
WWV Standard time and frequency station, 2.5 MHz, 5 MHz, 10 MHz, 15 MHz, 20 MHz, Fort Collins, Colorado
WWWIC World Wide Web Instructional Committee
WWX Web Ware eXperience
WXML Weather Objects Mark-up Language
WXOO WxPython Object- Oriented controls
WXP Windows X P
WXP1 Windows X P Introduction class
WXPA Windows X P ASCII grid file
WXPB Windows X P Binary grid file
WXPU Windows X P User
WXR Write- any- Read permissions
WXRW Write- any- Read- Write permissions
WXS W3C XML Schema
WXTRN Weak External Reference
WYO Write- Your- Own
WYOP Write Your Own Program
WYSI What You See Is ....
WYSISWYG What You See Is Sorta What You Get
X3D Extensible Three-Dimensional
XAAS X (anything) As A Service
XD1 Cray high performance computing system
XDC Extended Debugging Controller
XDN Xtras.Net Developer Network
XF XML Framework
XIF eXternal Interface File