Found 8 abbreviations in 1 groups
SCAM: Meaning Category
SCAM Super Clean And Marvelous Community abbreviations
SCAM SCSI Configured AutoMatically computing abbreviations and acronyms
SCAM Smart Card Analyzer and Manipulator computing abbreviations and acronyms
SCAM Sports Cyber Arts Music media abbreviations and acronyms
SCAM Simple Compiler to Assembly for Mips software abbreviations and acronyms
SCAM Simple Configure for Automatic Makefiles software abbreviations and acronyms
SCAM Stanford Copy Analysis Mechanism University abbreviations
SCAM Suffolk College Alternative Music University abbreviations

Abbreviations similar to scam

  • SME - State medical examiner
  • SAM - surface-to-air missile
  • SAMM - Société d'Applications des Machines Motrices
  • SEME - School of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering
  • SEN - shell extended range NORICUM
  • SM - smoke
  • SMAW - Shoulder-launched Multi-purpose Assault Weapon
  • SN - Seaman
  • SNA - Student Naval Aviator
  • SSGN - Hull classification symbol for cruise missile submarine. The SS denotes submarine, the G denotes guided missile, and the N denotes nuclear-powered.
  • SSN - Hull classification symbol for general-purpose fast attack submarines. The SS denotes submarine, while N denotes nuclear-powered.
  • SOMA - Student Osteopathic Medical Association
  • SAEMA - Shama Ahanta East Metropolitan Assembly
  • SMA - Societas Missionum ad Afros